Curtin Architecture Students Association (CASA)
powered by TidyHQInterested in how buildings are made? How to design inteior spaces? The connection between urban built form and nature that surrounds us? Curtin Architecture Student Association is for you. Our club aims to improve the experience of studying architecture and inteior architecture at curtin. We host social and games night throughout the semester to encourage everyone to take a break in their study. We regualry engage with industry for events and office tours to increase your exprience with real world projects. Through CASA you will get discounted rates on our educaiton prograsm where we will help with CAD programs and drawing skills.
Curtin Students: In addition to being invited to all of our events, you can have have your say on how the club is run by voting at General Meetings and nominate for vacant positions on the committee.
- Ordinary Memebership Fee: $5
- Wanting to pay using cash or a Guild club voucher, email the committee and we will organise a time to meet in 418.
Non-Curtin Students - $10
- This is for anyone who is not a Curtin student. Are you from another uni? Staff? Curtin College Students? Or just want to join us? You can enjoy the benefits of being a member of our club, attending our outings, but you are not able to vote nor sit on committee. (But that's okay - you'll still have a blast!)
What's a club voucher & where do I get one? Curtin-enrolled students can collect 2x $5 club vouchers from the Curtin Student Guild each year. To collect, visit a Guild membership booth during O-Week, or Guild Reception year-round (Building 106F, Bentley campus), with a copy of your Curtin Student ID.